Process Coordination, Part 2

Solution to Exercise

The completed exercise is as follows:

def addTwoNumbers(a, b, q):
    # sleep(5) # In case you want to slow things down to see what is happening.

def addTwoPar():
    x = input("Enter first number: ")
    y = input("Enter second number: ")

    q = Queue()
    p1 = Process(target=addTwoNumbers, args=(x, y, q))

    # p1.join()
    result = q.get()
    print "The sum is:", result

As you can see, it requires only a small addition. The parent must call the get method on the queue. Once the child has put something on the queue, the parent’s get will succeed, and the variable result will get a value and be printed.

Did you attempt to use join in your solution, as in the commented-out line in the above solution? In this example the join is not harmful, but is not required. This is because the get will already cause the parent process to block until data is on the queue. So there’s no need for the parent process to wait for the child to be finished with a join as well. The get already causes the required wait.

Using a Queue to Merge Multiple Child Process Results

The following example is a nice extension of the one above.

from multiprocessing import *
from random import randint
import time
def addManyNumbers(numNumbers, q):
    s = 0
    for i in range(numNumbers):
        s = s + randint(1, 100)

def addManyPar():
    totalNumNumbers = 1000000

    q = Queue()
    p1 = Process(target=addManyNumbers, args=(totalNumNumbers/2, q))
    p2 = Process(target=addManyNumbers, args=(totalNumNumbers/2, q))

    answerA = q.get()
    answerB = q.get()
    print "Sum:", answerA + answerB

Here, the task is to add up a large number of random numbers. This is accomplished by creating two child processes, each of which is responsible for half of the work. Note that a shared queue, plus half the total number of numbers, is passed to each child. Each child creates many random numbers and adds them up, putting the final sum on the queue. The parent makes two get calls, to obtain the result from each child. Note that the parent will likely block on at least the first get call, since it will need to wait until one of the children finishes and places its result on the queue.

Here’s an interesting question to consider: which child’s result will be in answerA and which in answerB? The answer is that this is indeterminate. Whichever child process finishes first will have its answer in answerA, and the other will be in answerB. This is not a problem for commutative merging operations, like the addition of this example, but of course could be a complication for non-commutative merging.

Try the code

Download and try the above example on your system.


Of course there are many places you could go next, but here we have seen an introduction to parallel programming in Python using the multiprocessing module. We’ve explored the parent-child model of parallel programming, in which the parent creates many child processes to perform some task. We’ve seen how shared resources lead to a need for locks to ensure uninterrupted access. Finally, we’ve seen how to pass data between processes, both via the Process constructor’s args argument, and also through the use of a shared queue.