Initialize Functions


This function will first initialize variables in the constant structure with default values. It will also initialize number_of_people variable and num_initially_infected variable. After this, it will set all the counters in side stats structure to zero, as well as state counters inside global struct.

Then, Init() function will call the following 5 functions to finish the initialization process.



These parameters are specified via command line arguments when the program is run. Otherwise, default values are used. The code uses getopt function to do this. Type man 3 getopt in a shell if you are interested how it works.


This function makes sure that the total number of initially infected people is less than the total number of people


The simulation can’t run if there are more initially infected people than there are people. If there are, the code uses the fprintf function to print an error message to standard error, and it exits the program with exit code -1.


At this point we are ready to allocate our arrays, which must be performed before we can start filling the arrays. Allocating an array means reserving enough space in memory for it; if we don’t reserve the space the program will assume that it is a zero-length array. The allocation must happen in the “heap” memory, meaning we must allocate it dynamically (i.e. as the program is running). To allocate memory on the heap, we use the malloc function, which takes the amount of space that is requested and returns a pointer to the newly allocated memory, which we can then use as an array. Let’s see an example with the x_locations array:

    global->x_locations = (int*)malloc(number_of_people * sizeof(int));

Here we see that malloc has taken an argument, number_of_people * sizeof(int). This is how we specify that we want to fill the array with a certain number of integers, namely the amount stored in the number_of_people variable. We also need to specify how big these integers are, for which we use the sizeof(int) function. We then take the return from malloc and tell the program to “cast” it (i.e. use it) as a pointer to integers, for which we use (int*). This is then assigned to x_locations, and we can now use x_locations as an array.

For the 2D array environment, we must allocate not only the array itself but also each of the arrays that it contains (since a 2D array is an array whose elements are arrays). The array has horizontal strips of length environment_width and vertical strips of length environment_height. We perform the allocation by allocating enough space for the entire array first using

    dpy->environment = (char**)malloc(constant->environment_width * 
        constant->environment_height * sizeof(char*));

That is, we are allocating enough char*’s for environment_width times environment_height, casting this as a char** and assigning it to environment. Then we allocate each array within environment, like so:

    dpy->environment = (char**)malloc(constant->environment_width * 
        constant->environment_height * sizeof(char*));
    int current_location_x;
    for(current_location_x = 0; 
        current_location_x <= constant->environment_width - 1;
        dpy->environment[current_location_x] = (char*)malloc(
            constant->environment_height * sizeof(char));

The number of arrays we need is stored in environment_width, so we loop from 0 to environment_width – 1 and allocate enough space in each element of environment for environment_height chars, each one of which has size sizeof(char).

This can be a convoluted process but is necessary for allocating arrays dynamically, which allows us to specify options on the command line (so we don’t have to edit the source code and re-compile each time we want to run a simulation with different parameters).


First, the function set the states of the initially infected people and set the count of its infected people


Threads set the states of infected people using the states array. They fill the first num_initially_infected cells of the array with the INFECTED constant; i.e. they fill in the 0 through num_initially_infected – 1 positions of the array with INFECTED as below:

    // Each process spawns threads to set the states of the initially 
    // infected people and set the count of its infected people
    for(current_person_id = 0; current_person_id 
        <= num_initially_infected - 1; current_person_id++)
        global->states[current_person_id] = INFECTED;

Note we also add 1 to the num_infected variable using the plus-plus operator (++) at each iteration of the loop. This is how we count the number of infected people.

Next, the function set the states of the rest of its people and set the count of its susceptible people


This is similar to last step, but we want to fill the rest of the array (from num_initially_infected to number_of_people - 1) with the SUSCEPTIBLE constant, and we want to add 1 to the num_susceptible variable at each iteration of the loop:

    // Each process spawns threads to set the states of the rest of
    // its people and set the count of its susceptible people
    for(current_person_id = num_initially_infected; 
        current_person_id <= number_of_people - 1; 
        global->states[current_person_id] = SUSCEPTIBLE;

The states array is now full; the first num_initially_infected cells have the INFECTED constant, and the rest have the SUSCEPTIBLE constant.

Then, the function sets random x and y locations for each people


Locations of people are stored in the x_locations and y_locations arrays. To fill these arrays with random values, we use a for loop and the random function:

    // Each process spawns threads to set random x and y locations for 
    // each of its people
    for(current_person_id = 0;
        current_person_id <= number_of_people - 1; 
        global->x_locations[current_person_id] = random() % constant->environment_width;
        global->y_locations[current_person_id] = random() % constant->environment_height;

By calling random with the modulus (%) operator, we can restrict the size of the random number it generates. Since we cannot have x locations larger than the width of the environment, we call random() % environment_width; to make sure the x location of each person is less than environment_width. Similarly for the y location and environment_height.

We are filling the x and y location arrays for all of the people for which the process is responsible, so we loop from 0 to number_of_people – 1.

Finally, the function initializes the number of days infected of each of its people to 0


The number of days each person is infected is stored in the num_days_infected array, so we loop over all of the people and fill this array with 0, since the simulation starts at day 0, at which point no days have yet elapsed:

    // Each process spawns threads to initialize the number of days 
    // infected of each of its people to 0
    for(current_person_id = 0;
        current_person_id <= number_of_people - 1;
        global->num_days_infected[current_person_id] = 0;