Intel’s Threading Building Blocks (TBB)


OpenMP works well for adding parallelism to loops in working sequential code, and it’s available for C, C++, and Fortran languages on many platforms (including Linux, Windows, and Macintosh OS X). Older versions of OpenMP did not readily support non-loop parallelism or programming with concurrent data structures, but OpenMP version 3.0 (released May 2008) provides a task feature for programming such computations.

Intel’s Threading Building Blocks (TBB) provides an object-oriented approach to implementing parallel algorithms, for the C++ language (and any of the three platforms). Adding parallelism to existing code in TBB is somewhat more involved than in OpenMP, but is considerably less complicated than programming in a native threads package for a particular operating system. The forthcoming new standard for the C++ language is likely to include parallelism similar to TBB.

For You To Do

Create the code

Enter the following TBB program into a file trap-tbb.cpp. Or you can download the file trap-tbb.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#include "tbb/tbb.h"
using namespace tbb;

/* Demo program for TBB: computes trapezoidal approximation to an integral*/

const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383079;

double f(double x);
class SumHeights {
  double const my_a;
  double const my_h;
  double &my_int;

  void operator() (const blocked_range<size_t>& r) const {
    for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) {
      my_int += f(my_a+i*my_h);
  SumHeights(const double a, const double h, double &integral) : 
    my_a(a), my_h(h), my_int(integral) 

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   /* Variables */
   double a = 0.0, b = pi;  /* limits of integration */;
   int n = 1048576; /* number of subdivisions = 2^20 */

   double h = (b - a) / n; /* width of subdivision */
   double integral; /* accumulates answer */
   integral = (f(a) + f(b))/2.0;

   parallel_for(blocked_range<size_t>(1, n), SumHeights(a, h, integral));
   integral = integral * h;
   cout << "With n = " << n << " trapezoids, our estimate of the integral" <<
     " from " << a << " to " << b << " is " << integral << endl;
double f(double x) {

   return sin(x);

Study this code carefully

Observe the following:

This program does not use a command-line argument (and the cstdlib library is not needed). Unlike OpenMP, TBB does not provide a simple way to request a particular number of threads. Instead, the TBB system chooses a number of threads to use automatically. (OpenMP will also make such a selection for you if you do not specify the number of threads to use.)

The following lines prepare for using TBB.

#include "tbb/tbb.h"
using namespace tbb;

Recall that in the OpenMP code, we parallelized the loop below by adding a pragma just before that for loop.

for(i = 1; i < n; i++) {
   integral += f(a+i*h);

In order to program a comparable computation in TBB, we create a class SumHeights whose method operator() contains the following loop:

    for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) {
      my_int += f(my_a+i*my_h);

Observe that the forms of the two loops indicate the same iterative computation, if one matches 1 to r.begin(), n to r.end() and integral, a, and h to SumHeights state variables my_int, my_a, and my_h. One way to describe this relationship is to say that the class SumHeights is a “wrapper” around its loop.

The class SumHeights defines operator(), which means that an object of type SumHeights can be called using function-call syntax. Since operator() is defined here with one argument, this means we can cause the for loop to execute using a call sh(range), where sh is an object of type SumHeights and range is an appropriate argument.

  1. Note that operator() is a const method (indicated by the const after ) and before { ), which means that it is permitted to call sh(range) with a const object sh.
  2. The argument r of operator() indicates the range of the loop, i.e., the starting and ending values for the loop control variable.
  3. The loop control variable i has type int in the OpenMP implementation, but type size_t in the TBB implementation. size_t is an integer type, which may be equivalent to int, long, or another integer type depending on implementation.
  4. The range r has the type blocked_range<size_t>. This is a templated type built over the size_t type. There could be blocked_range types built over other types, as well, e.g., int or long.

The constructor SumHeights() makes local copies my_a, etc., of variables a, etc., in main(), enabling values in main() to be used within the class SumHeights.

The call to parallel_for in main() automatically subdivides (or chunks) the range r for multi-threaded parallel computation. parallel_for expects a range in its first argument, and an object with a method operator() having one range argument in its second argument.

The variable integral is passed by reference in the constructor SumHeights() in an effort to use that memory location integral as an accumulator during the parallelized computation.

The constructor initializes the state variables my_a, my_h, and my_int using colon initializers. In the constructor definition

  SumHeights(const double a, const double h, double &integral) : 
    my_a(a), my_h(h), my_int(integral) 

The expression my_a(a) located after the colon : and before the curly bracket { has the same effect as an assignment

my_a = a;

would if it occurred between the curly brackets. Colon initialization is optional for the state variables my_a and my_h, but it is required for the state variable my_int, because that state variable was defined using a reference type.


Can you detect any problems in this code?

Execute this code

For this lab, we will run this TBB program on the MTL.

First, if necessary, copy the program file you created to a local machine for connecting to MTL, e.g., your laptop. You will need to use a ‘terminal’ on Macs or ‘Putty’ on PCs. If you are off campus, you will need to ssh into a machine on your campus before then logging into the MTL machine at Intel’s headquarters in Oregon.

You can login to the MTL computer, as follows

laptop% ssh accountname@

Use one of the student account usernames provided to you, together with the password distributed to the class.

Next, copy your program from your laptop or local linux machine to the MTL machine. One way to do this is to use another window (to keep for copying your code), then enter the following command from the directory where your code is located:

scp trap-tbb.cpp accountname@

On the remote MTL system, execute the following command, which sets up environment variables for compiling with TBB:

source/opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/056/tbb/bin/ intel64

The intel64 command-line argument prepares for 64-bit compilation.

After making this copy, login into the MTL machine in another window.

To compile your program that was copied in a prior step, issue this command: g++ -o trap-tbb trap-tbb.cpp -ltbb_debug


You can use -ltbb instead of -ltbb_debug for a production version of the library instead of one with debugging hooks.

Now run your program with the following command: ./trap-tbb

The result is significantly less than 2! Can you think of an explanation for the answer being so far off?

Also run several time tests of your program time ./trap-tbb

What do you observe in these time tests? How do the times compare to timed runs of trap-omp for various thread sizes?