TBB, multiple threads, and reduction

The code above for a TBB trapezoidal computation produces an incorrect answer if there are multiple threads, because each thread attempts to update the shared variable integral without any mechanism to avoid one thread from overwriting the results produced by another thread. We will solve this issue using a reduction, in which results will be computed in local variables for each thread, then those local results added together at the end.

  1. To do the reduction in TBB, we will use the parallel_reduce call instead of the parallel_for call, and will use a modified class SumHeights2.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

#include "tbb/tbb.h"
using namespace tbb;

/* Demo program for TBB: computes trapezoidal approximation to an integral*/

const double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643383079;

double f(double x);
class SumHeights2 {
  double const my_a;
  double const my_h;

  double my_int;

  void operator() (const blocked_range<size_t>& r) {
    double a2 = my_a;
    double h2 = my_h;
    double int2 = my_int;
    size_t end = r.end();
    for(size_t i = r.begin(); i != end; i++) {
      int2 += f(a2+i*h2);
    my_int = int2;
  SumHeights2(const double a, const double h, const double integral) : 
    my_a(a), my_h(h), my_int(integral)

  SumHeights2(SumHeights2 &x, split) : 
    my_a(x.my_a), my_h(x.my_h), my_int(0)

  void join( const SumHeights2 &y) { my_int += y.my_int; }

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
   /* Variables */
   double a = 0.0, b = pi;  /* limits of integration */;
   int n = 1048576; /* number of subdivisions = 2^20 */

   double h = (b - a) / n; /* width of subdivision */
   double integral; /* accumulates answer */
   integral = (f(a) + f(b))/2.0;

   SumHeights2 sh2(a, h, integral);
   parallel_reduce(blocked_range<size_t>(1, n), sh2);
   integral += sh2.my_int;
   integral = integral * h;
   cout << "With n = " << n << " trapezoids, our estimate of the integral" <<
     " from " << a << " to " << b << " is " << integral << endl;
double f(double x) {

   return sin(x);
  • The class SumHeights2 handles the variable my_int differently than the class SumHeights does. Instead of SumHeights‘s misguided attempt to share main()’s memory location integral through reference types, the new class SumHeights2 allocates a new separate (state) variable location my_int for each object of type SumHeights2 (by avoiding reference types).

  • Also, my_int is a public state variable in SumHeights2, instead of the default private visibility in the prior class SumHeights. This makes it possible for a method of a SumHeights2 object to compute a value and store that value in my_int, then for another part of the code to access that computed value through that public state variable my_int. (Alternatively, we could have made my_int private like the other state variables, and added a “getter” method get_my_int() to retrieve that computed value.)

  • The operator() definitions in the two classes differ in several ways.

    1. The code for the new class’s operator SumHeights2::operator() begins my making local copies a2, h2, and int2 of the variables my_a, my_h, and my_int, and also storing the (unchanging) value of r.end() in another local variable. These local variable assignments are not necessary for the logical correctness of the code. Instead, they make it possible for the compiler to produce a more efficient computations. With this help, the compiler can realize that it’s safe to use registers to implement those variables instead of memory locations, which would lead to faster access to those values.
    2. The loop is rewritten to use these local variables, but otherwise represents the same computation as in the previous SumHeights::operator().
    3. After the loop, the local variable int2 is assigned to the state variable my_int, in order to deliver the sum for this thread’s subdivision (chunk) of the summation range.
    4. SumHeights2::operator() is not a const method. This means it’s not safe for const objects to call this method – they will be changed. In this case, the change is that my_int is changed when operator() is called.
  • The three-argument constructor for SumHeights is the same as the three-argument constructor for SumHeights2, except for the handling of the third argument integral (discussed above).

  • However, the class SumHeights2 has an additional constructor and an additional method join().

    1. The second constructor is called a split constructor. This constructor will be used to construct new instances of SumHeights2 for additional threads brought into the summation computation.
    2. The method join() is used to add the partial sum from one thread’s computation to a running sum – i.e., to perform the reduction operation.
  • Here is an overview description of the parallel computation for this program.

    1. An object sh2 is allocated, using the three-argument constructor for SumHeights2.
    2. The call to parallel_reduce() in main() performs sh2‘s operator() over the range 1 to n by subdividing (i.e., chunking) that range and assigning a thread to perform the trapezoidal sum for each chunk.
    3. Each of those threads creates its own SumHeights2 object using the splitting constructor.
    • The thread first calls that splitting object’s operator() with that thread’s range chunk to compute a partial sum.
    • Then, the thread calls sh2.join() with that splitting object as the argument, in order to add its partial sum to sh2‘s accumulator sh2.my_int.
    1. After all range chunks have been processed, parallel_reduce() finishes, leaving the final answer in the public state variable sh2.my_int.
    • The splitting constructor for SumHeights2 has a dummy argument of type split (defined by the TBB library), because without that extra argument, there would be no way for a compiler to tell the difference between a call to that splitting constructor and a call to SumHeight2‘s copy constructor.
  1. Enter the program above, using the filename trap-tbb2.cpp. Or you can download the file trap-tbb2.cpp

    You can enter it on a lab machine, but then you’d have to disconnect Cisco VPN on your local machine (e.g., your laptop), scp the new file to your local machine, reconnect Cisco VPN, and scp to the MTL machine in order to transfer it to the MTL system.

  2. Compile and test your trap-tbb2 program on the MTL. Does it now produce the correct answer of 2 for the trapezoidal approximation?

  3. Also time the performance of runs of this revised program, and compare to the time performance of runs of the prior program trap-tbb.

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Intel’s Threading Building Blocks (TBB)