Example: WebMapReduce using Scheme languageΒΆ

  • WebMapReduce (WMR) is a strategically simplified interface for performing map-reduce computing developed by students from St. Olaf College. While initially supporting Scheme, the platform currently supports several high-level languages, including Python, C++, and Java.

  • Wmr_scm.pdf includes specs for the functions provided in this Scheme WMR interface. download Wmr_scm.pdf

  • This implementation of the Scheme interface for entering mappers and reducers uses an iterator for providing values in a reducer. Each call of a reducer receives all the key-value pairs for a particular key, and the two arguments for that reducer are that key and an iterator for obtaining the values.

    Iterator - an (object-oriented programming) object that enables a programmer to obtain each value in a collection as a sequence of values, encapsulating the internal representation of that collection. We may visualize an iterator as a “dispenser” of values, providing one value at a time until all are exhausted.

  • Iterators are used to provide reducer values because when there are very many key-value pairs, the total size of the collection of values may exceed the size of main memory.

  • As the spec indicates, the second argument of a reducer is a WmrIterator object (we’ll call it iter), and that object iter has two methods:

    • The call (iter 'has-next) returns true if a next element exists, false otherwise.
    • The call (iter 'get-next) delivers the next element from the iterator, and advances that iterator (so a next call to the iterator will return a fresh value, if available); this call returns false if there is no next value.

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WebMapReduce in various languages