Accessing concurrency and parallelism within a programming language

Features that are part of a programming language

  • Java synchronized: a method or a segment of code within a method can be marked as synchronized, meaning that no two threads of execution may execute in synchronized sections for the same object at the same time.
  • Ada (developed for DOD applications in 1980s): threads (“concurrent tasks”), which may be created dynamically; “rendezvous” (cf. remote procedure call) with synchronized communication.
  • Erlang: The language consists of (functional programming) sequential constructs plus additional concurrent constructs for carrying out sequential code in parallel. No threads, just processes – a design decision to allow for easier fault tolerance, because shared resources such as memory are very difficult to manage correctly in the presence of faults.


  • MPI (Message Passing Interface): Library allowing for send, receive, and other communication calls for both point-to-point and collective communication in a distributed system. Supports a notion of “communicator groups” of processes.
  • Java Thread class; java.util.concurrent: These are standard packages in the Java language. The Thread class may be subclassed to provide a (sequential) run() method for carrying out specified code when that thread object is started. The package java.util.concurrent provides programming interfaces and classes for concurrency-safe data structures, thread management/reuse and scheduling, synchronization primitives such as semaphores, etc.

Other approaches

  • Operating system calls: For example, Linux provides fork() for creating new processes, socket() and related system calls for creating communication lines between processes that may be on separate machines, read() and write() for sending and receiving along socket connections, select() for synchronizing communication, and various thread packages exist for Linux.
  • OpenMP C/C++ pragmas: A convenient approach for incrementally adding synchronization in a shared-memory multiprocessor (such as a multicore system), in which one adds preprocessor pragmas to request parallelization of a for loop, creation of threads, etc.
  • CUDA programming of a GPGPU: Modern video controllers are highly parallel devices designed for highly parallel, very fast linear algebra computations that feed a pipeline for adding further graphics features (such as texturing). NVIDIA and other manufacturers now provide a programming interface enabling a programmer to make general-purpose computations with that specialized hardware—”General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU)”. NVIDIA’s CUDA language provides a library for C and C++ programs for the CPU that interact with separate “kernel” programs written for the GPU in order to perform such GPGPU computations.